Kingdom Ayurveda Resort - pôvody, história, liečba, disciplína Ayurveda

Ayurveda znamená "svetskú múdrosť" a jeho cieľom je predĺžiť život, a to obohatiť. Ayurveda je tradičné umenie uzdravenie, ktoré vzniklo pred tisíc rokmi v Indii a na Srí Lanke. Je založený na základných znalostí o dynamike štruktúrované života, a v súčasnej dobe po celom svete oživuje pomáhať ľuďom liečivé ich ja.

Zdravie je prirodzený stav rovnováhy, žiť v rovnováhe, je ľahké, pretože to vyžaduje najmenej energie. Nerovnováha tela a mysle okradne väčšiu silu: Veľa energie sa vynakladá, keď choroba príde. Investovať trochu času a energie v Ayurveda, a to bude obnoviť a udržať si svoje prirodzené zdravie.

Ayurveda zabezpečuje zachovanie tela i duše.

Rovnako ako je potrebné, aby vaše auto na opravu v garáži, aby bola zachovaná, a to aj vaše telo i dušu stali z rovnováhy, ak nemáte dostatočne postarať sa o vás - dostanete chorý. Ajurvédske znalosti sú veľmi užitočné pri ochorení. Bolesť je signálom nerovnováhy, a tak sme si uvedomili, že niečo nie je v poriadku. Je to len zlé, ak nepochopíme, čo chcú, aby nám povedali o regeneráciu našej rovnováhy. Ayurveda vám pomôže zistiť, kde je bolesť a čo treba urobiť, aby ju liečiť.

Pozývam vás čítať ďalej a zistiť, ako sa dostať rovnováhu a zdravie tým, že pochopenie toho, čo je pre vás dobré. Dozvedieť, aký druh života, rekreácia, cvičenie, výživy a životného štýlu podporuje svoj prirodzený stav radosti, lásky, zdravia, šťastia a harmónie.

Ayurveda dnes

Ayurveda, the oldest health science in the world, is currently experiencing not only in the country of India but all over the world a great revival, because it meets the needs of the modern world. The two words Ayus and Veda from Sanskrit mean together “knowledge of life”. My teacher Andreas Schwarz attaches importance to the words “Conjuring and seeing the Eternal”. Ayurveda is a comprehensive, medical doctrine, which has evolved over a long period and combines centuries of wisdom and experience in itself. Ayurveda is an integral medicine: it includes not only all aspects of health – physical, mental, social, and environmental – but also the aspects of relationships between the individual and the universe. You develop an awareness of habits, nutrition and their appropriate change within the seasons. Treating and dealing with diseases is described: actually, today the modern science explains the healing power of many Ayurvedic herbs is proved. Although the theory is comprehensive and complex, its fundamental principles are simple and easy to imitate. It is easy to integrate them into life, so that your health and that of your loved ones can be improved. In addition to the healing of diseases, Ayurveda helps you to recognize your own knowledge and enjoy life.

Čo je Ajurvéda?

Versatility is the spice of life. Some plants need sun, some shadow. Some thrive in sandy grounds others prefer humid ones. The polar bear lives in the Arctic, lizards in the desert. The situation is similar with the different needs of people. However, differences that give the vitality and versatility to life mean that something that is good for someone harm another one. To be healthy, we need to know our unique nature and the things that are good (or bad) for us – otherwise we are like a car owner who do not know whether has to refuel petrol or diesel and which oil is the right one and when he must bring his car for inspection.

A comprehensive doctrine of salvation must understand ourselves, as well as the universe around us and our connection to it. Of all the ways, it needs to demonstrate the correct and incorrect for us so that we are healthy and happy. Ayurveda is a practical lesson that not only teaches, to understand ourselves, but also our link to the world. It can instruct us not only to recognize our deepest nature, to love ourselves and care for our bodies, but also to love, plants, animals and nature that surrounds us and from which we can draw health, and respect.

A major tool in the application of Ayurveda is the classification of three fundamental principles, known as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These principles determine the individual characteristics of each person and his relation to the environment. From them you can select the right elements to maintain life balance. Modern science has shown that there are patterns in nature: events do not happen by chance. Once we understand these patterns and principles, we can use it for the connection between the universe and us. That is not only electricity, the secrets of flying and other great and useful inventions of the past to discover, this also means to fathom the plan for the perfect health of our life – in many ways the most exciting discovery of all.

život múdrosti

The millennia-old “wisdom” of Ayurveda allows control over health. We will see that everything has characteristics in life and the universe. Food is hot or cold, oily or dry, heavy or light. The weather is wet or dry. Are the people you are surrounded by happy or bored? The features of what is around you will affect their own characteristics and improve or harm your health. Perhaps you are a warm-hearted person? Resistant? Fast? Ayurveda describes these characteristics and this includes your body, mind, emotions and the person as a whole. Contrasting features balance each other and, according to Ayurveda, the secret of health is balance. If you are cold, look for warmth. If you have eaten too much, eat a light meal next time. If you understand your characteristics and keep them in balance, you can be healthier.

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